10 Famous Movie Scenes (With Factual Errors You Never Noticed)

2. Meg's Incredible Propane-Related Plan Wouldn't Have Worked At All - Panic Room

Panic RoomPanic Room is considered to be one of David Fincher's more underrated movies - take it for the pulpy thriller that it's supposed to be and it becomes a far more enjoyable to sit through. For the purposes of this entry, though, we'll be taking it super seriously (hypocrite warning). So think back to what is arguably the most exciting moment of the film, where the thieves try to flood the panic room with propane to flush Meg and her daughter out. Meg decides to light the propane so that it goes back through the wall and sets fire to the thieves, which it does, 'cause this is a movie, whilst she and her daughter duck down on the floor, unharmed. Unfortunately, this is an embellishment on the part of screenwriter David Koepp, who "does a Jaws" and ignores science. Propane, you see, is actually heavier than air and would sink down to the floor in such a situation. You can picture what should have really happened.

All-round pop culture obsessive.