10 Famous Movie Villains That Had Understandable Motives

10. Inspector Javert - Les Misérables

Aside from his singing, Russell Crowe did a pretty good job with Javert. He effectively conveyed the struggle of a man who was just trying to do the right thing... or at the very least what he deemed to be the right thing. Of course, the film is presented to us from Jean Valjean's point of view and it's pretty easy to take his side. But Javert's a man of the law who takes his job with the utmost seriousness and he relentlessly pursues one of his prisoners when they go on the run. True, Valjean was convicted for petty reasons but Javert's an all-in or all-out kind of guy, he doesn't bend the rules, he enforces them because that's what he's paid for. His relentless pursuit of Hugh Jackman isn't just because he's enamoured with him, although I imagine there are many people that would chase Jackman for years just to talk to him. Javert possesses a quality that we all wish we had: he's dedicated and determined. And if you look at it from his point of view, it was just a day at the office which went horribly wrong.

Lifelong wrestling fan and film buff who consumes far too much caffeine. Currently working on a comic book and learning how to cook the perfect fried egg. Both of which are an ongoing process.