10 Famous Movies That Genuinely Deserve Remakes

8. Lost In Space

lost-in-space I don't believe that it's actually possible to put into words just how remarkably bad "Lost In Space" truly was. If you are lucky enough NOT to have seen the 1998 movie adaptation of this 60's series, my advice to you is simple: remove your eyes and cement your ear holes shut just in case you happen to walk into a room where someone is watching it. The only good thing about this movie is that it ended and has rarely been heard from since. You've got Matt LeBlanc playing it like one of Joey Tribbiani's failed auditions, a supposedly "genius" child who calmly hands over a weapon to the man responsible for stranding his family in an unknown corner of the universe and one of the most irritating teenage girls I've seen since Annie got her period. The idea of a family of space travellers somehow getting lost and trying to find a way home is not entirely original in itself, but nonetheless interesting to audiences. As with all Sci-Fi, you're pretty much unlimited in what you can do, what you can show and how you show it. With the kind of creative minds at Hollywood's disposal these days, surely there is a plausible way to tell this story that will engage us and possibly reboot what could have been a great franchise?
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My life is simple. I write songs, sing in a band, act from time to time and I watch A LOT of movies and television shows. My preferred genres are Sci-Fi and Comedy. I decided to write for WhatCulture because my girlfriend (yes, I'm a sci-fi nerd and I have a girlfriend!) is sick of me ranting about films every time we leave a cinema. I do hope people enjoy reading my reviews, although I'm sure there will be many different opinions about every film I review. I respect everyone's right to their opinions so please feel free to comment and debate anything I write. Thanks for reading!