10 Famous Movies That Sold Themselves On Boobs Alone

1. American Wedding

Whereas the first two movies in the American Pie franchise were an exercise in reviving the teen sex romps of the 80s and injecting them with some real heart, American Wedding was simply an attempt to cash in on the bit of goodwill already earned by the series. How do you keep your target audience from the original film - teenagers who would gladly pay $30 if it meant seeing Shannon Elizabeth in the buff - interested in a rehashing of the same emotional beats from American Pie 2? It's simple, really: Just make sure Jim and the Band Camp girl are there, turn Stifler into an over-the-top cartoon character, and show as much flesh as possible. The film "utilizes" two professional models, Nikki Ziering and Amanda Swinten, (who had almost zero prior acting credits to their name) to fill up ten minutes of screen time as bachelor party strippers. If American Pie was an adolescent boy's first, slightly awkward encounter with the female anatomy (the aforementioned Shannon Elizabeth moment), and American Pie 2 showcased the more curious, voyeuristic tendencies of heightened sexualities (Peeping Toms trying to witness a kiss between supposed lesbians), then American Wedding represents the creepy, aggressive sexuality of jaded adulthood (a Playboy Playmate shoving a middle-aged woman's face into her bare breasts). That's... quite an evolution.

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.