10 Famous Uncredited Roles You May Not Have Noticed

5. Jordan Belfort - The Wolf Of Wall Street

Paramount Pictures

The Wolf Of Wall Street - based on the autobiography of Jordan Belfort - is a rollercoaster ride of a film, taking us from extreme highs to extreme lows with all the emotional exhaustion that comes in between. Coming at the end of the three hour epic, Belfort's cameo comes in a scene that you could well have forgotten, appearing as the MC that introduces DiCaprio on stage; the character's arc having led him to become a motivational speaker.

Despite the regular collaborations of Scorsese and DiCaprio over the past 12 years, amounting to 4 hugely successful films, Belfort insists that it was he that cast the Hollywood star to play him, stating that: "€œI picked Leo because I thought he was amazing; after that, it was up to Marty."http://m.screencaps.us.objects-us-west-1.dream.io/199/9-starwars1/full/starwars1-movie-screencaps.com-11832.jpg€ As is clear from his appearance in the film, Belfort was heavily involved in the process of bringing his life to the big screen with DiCaprio adding himself that:

"The truth is, he was an intricate part of creating this character. It's one thing when you have to make up all of these things out of your sheer imagination, but when you get to call the actual person in between takes because you want clarification on something, is a huge benefit."

Aspiring screenwriter. Avid Gooner. Saving the rest of the self-descriptive stuff for the autobiography.