10 Famous Unmade Comic Book Movies We WISH We Could Have Seen

9. Guillermo Del Toro's Doctor Strange

Superman Lives
Marvel Comics

When Doctor Strange eventually made his way to the big screen, it may have been one of the MCU's most visually striking movies, but on a story and character level it turned out to be one of the most forgettable. The Sorcerer Supreme had always seemed like a tricky character to adapt to live-action, and at one point Marvel actually turned down a pitch from fantasy legends Guillermo del Toro and Neil Gaiman.

The Academy Award-winning director seems to attach himself to a lot of projects that never get made, and Doctor Strange ended up becoming just one of many. The duo originally pitched their idea to the studio in 2007 when the MCU hadn't even officially launched yet, and there's every chance that if they'd retained their enthusiasm post-Iron Man then their vision would have gotten the green-light.

Gaiman revealed that there was very little interest on Marvel's part, which was understandable at the time given the risk involved in an upstart studio launching their own franchise based on what were mostly B-tier superheroes to casual audiences.

That said, the prospect of seeing the filmmaker behind Pan's Labyrinth and Hellboy teaming up with the writer of American Gods and Good Omens for a mystical superhero blockbuster would have been an incredible prospect.


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