10 Famous Unmade Comic Book Movies We WISH We Could Have Seen

8. Deathstroke

Superman Lives
Warner Bros.

You'd be forgiven for forgetting that Deathstroke even exists in the DCEU given that his total screentime amounts to mere seconds, but at one point the super-powered assassin was set to play a huge role in the franchise's future.

As well as presumably becoming a thorn in the Justice League's side after he was revealed as Lex Luthor's gun-for-hire during the movie's end credits, Joe Manganiello's Slade Wilson was set to be the villain of The Batman when Ben Affleck was still attached to write and direct, and was also planned to headline his own solo outing.

However, with the franchise currently in the midst of rebooting itself following the end of the Zack Snyder-era Deathstroke appears to be dead in the water. Which is a real tragedy, because the comic book flick would have marked the Hollywood debut of action maestro Gareth Evans, director of The Raid and co-creator of TV's frequently jaw-dropping Gangs of London.

The filmmaker revealed that he planned to draw inspiration from South Korean noir cinema, which seemed to fit nicely with his penchant for expertly-choreographed martial arts violence. Sadly, we never got to see one of the action genre's premiere purveyors of violence tackling an Asian-inspired comic book blockbuster about an antihero with a cool as hell costume, which is a real missed opportunity.


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