10 Fan Edits That Totally Transform Famous Films

7. Spider-Man 3: Redemption

Spider Man

Probably the most derided and critically reviled film in modern cinema history, Sam Raimi's third Spider-Man film took all the quirks and goofy comedic bits he'd managed to conceal amongst the exhilarating superhero theatrics in the first two, brought them to the forefront, and thought we'd be placated by a ridiculous number of supervillains on show. Instead we just got an incredibly uneven movie with bad attempts at comedy, weird performances, and very little room to breathe amongst the introduction of three new bad guys, a second romantic interest for Peter Parker, and the mercifully brief sequence of Tobey Maguire with an emo fringe dancing down a street, pretending to be a badass. Urgh.

Badscooter did us all a favour by taking the scissors to Spider-Man 3's bloated running time (it ran for over two hours in the cinema, TWO HOURS FFS) and producing a much tighter version so that Sandman doesn't appear at all - which highlights how unimportant the character was to the overall film - Harry doesn't get told the whole Green Goblin story by his butler, Peter's motivations when preyed upon by the alien symbiote make a lot more sense, and literally every single one of those stupid Three Stooges gags, emo Parker dancing and flirting, the goofy musical cues and any joke that isn't a traditional Spidey one-liner has been excised.

By the time Badscooter's done with it, Spider-Man 3: Redemption isn't just watchable; it's downright enjoyable. Not something we never though we'd say about this cinematic abomination.


Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/