10 Fan Edits That Totally Transform Famous Films

6. Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me €“(Teresa Banks And The Last Days Of Laura Palmer)

Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me

Despite an inauspicious end Twin Peaks - the gonzo, surreal soap opera-cum-murder-mystery David Lynch somehow got ABC to commission for a prime time slot in the early nineties €- has managed to maintain a sizeable and dedicated cult following, even twenty years after it went off the air.

Recently re-watching the whole series on Blu-Ray, the occasionally awful, always strange story of murdered school girl Laura Palmer, possibly insane FBI agent Dale Cooper and the twisted, bonkers people who populate the titular town, has never looked like this before. Even better, the Blu-ray paved the way for Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me €(Teresa Banks And The Last Days Of Laura Palmer), a 3.5 hour redo of the feature film prequel to the show (which caused a bunch of controversy on release), Fire Walk With Me.

Fire Walk With Me did a lot of weird things. It went back to before the series, despite the show ending on an unresolved cliffhanger; it introduced further plot threads, which were destined to never be tidied up; it made the supernatural subtext of the show indisputable text; it had teleporting David Bowie. It brought up more questions than it answered. It was confusing.

Slightly less confusing is this assemblage of the original film, alongside all the deleted scenes of the Blu-Ray release previously assumed lost on the cutting room floor. Almost an hour longer, Teresa Banks And The Last Days of Laura Palmer includes those scenes, a rearrangement of others, and some extended parts that clear up some of the complex mythology behind the film and series.


Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/