10 Fan Edits That Totally Transform Famous Films

4. The Matrix DeZIONized

matrix dezionized
Warner Bros.

There are a great many things wrong with The Matrix sequels. So many, in fact, that we would need a whole other article to list them. One of the main scenes that came under scrutiny in the Matrix Reloaded, however, was the weird orgy-rave-thing that happened in the €œreal world€ of Zion, where humanity is a pocket of rebellious so-and-sos who have escaped the computer simulation and the killer robots that keep them there, starting a new underground society where they can all dress like they just came back from a gap year in Cambodia where they, like, helped make a school and really discovered themselves and they really know how to live out there, you know?

We think sometimes they have more things to teach us than the other way round. Any time we went to Zion, in fact, was a drag. We don't wanna watch a bunch of dirty hippies banging in a cave, we want Keanu Reeves stopping bullets with his brain and Agent Smith jumping on cars like the floor is lava! So thank the architect that is CBB for producing The Matrix DeZIONized, which takes both the sequels (Reloaded and Revolutions) and cuts them down into one film which is all killer, no filler. And there was a considerable amount of filler in there, which is probably how they got a pair of two-hour long movies down into one.

There's absolutely zero Zion action, the weird fake-out €œdeath€ of Trinity goes too (which means the Jesus parallels with Neo are, mercifully, kept to a minimum), a bunch of exposition-heavy speeches are in the bin, and instead we just get a sweet sequel to The Matrix that's heavy on the stylish action we loved, and light on the tedious philosophising and techno babble we hated. Everybody's happy! Well, we're happy. Which is basically the same thing.


Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/