10 Fan Theories About Tarantino Movies That Make Perfect Sense

2. Tarantino Has A Foot Fetish

Marsellus Wallace Briefcase 666
The Weinstein Company

Ever noticed that Tarantino films tend to have a lot of close-up foot shots? Like, not the odd shot of someone’s trotters here and there but literally hundreds of scenes of his stars’ feet that quite frankly border on the fetishistic?

We saw Mia Wallace do the twist barefoot at Jack Rabbit Slims in Pulp Fiction, while over in Jackie Brown we saw surfer girl Melanie’s toe-ringed tootsies seductively rub a glass of ice-cold whiskey on the rocks. In Inglourious Basterds a major plot is focused around the feet of Nazi film star turned Allied spy Bridget von Hammersmark and in Death Proof we see Stuntman Mike creepily stroking Abernathy’s feet.

Perhaps most tellingly, in From Dusk till Dawn vampire seductress Santanico Pandemonium stuck her foot in Richie Gecko’s gob (who is played by none other than Tarantino himself) and proceeded to pour tequila down her leg into his piehole.

These are just a few notable examples too. Fetish confirmed: Tarantino is a not-so-secret podophile.


Helen Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.