10 Fantastic Actors Who Were Wasted In Recent Movies

8. Vera Farmiga - Annabelle Comes Home

 Damon Herriman Charles Manson Once Upon A Time In Hollywood
Warner Bros.

The Conjuring series took inspiration from 'real' paranormal events and told those stories from the perspective of paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren. For the most part the series delivered some very decent horror fare and jump scares throughout, anchored by its fantastic leads in Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga.

However with Annabelle Comes Home the series quite simply just took a step too far and, as such, wasted the talents of its leads, with Farmiga in particular feeling too good to feature in the lazy, tagged on effort. Farmiga has built an incredible body of work over the years, even outside of the Conjuring series, with star turns in the likes of The Departed, The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas and Bates Motel. Annabelle Comes Home falls sadly short of these high standards.

Farmiga does her best with what she is given but the film is an extremely poor and forced effort to feed off of a popular series and feels as if Farmiga was simply contractually bound to it rather than saw any redeeming features within the script. A talent like Vera Farmiga deserves to be gracing much better efforts on screen than this abysmal 'horror'.


Writer/Editor/Director/Film-Maker/Frequenter of Childish Gambino’s Spotify Page- basically a perpetual procrastinator who never finishes anyt.... Got this Twitter thing goin' @ByrnAfterReadin