10 Fascinating Predictions About The Doctor Strange Movie

7. Wong Will Be Drastically Altered

When the Mandarin was drastically altered from the version who has appeared in the comic books for so many years in Iron Man 3, there was absolutely uproar amongst the fans. While the alteration may indeed have been too extreme, there is a feeling that part of the reason behind it was that the comic book version is a little bit dated and depicts the character in a very stereotypical and somewhat racist way. The same goes for Wong - the man who doubles-up as Doctor Strange's man-servant and martial arts teacher - and, given that he isn't as important a character as the Mandarin, changing him for a cinematic portrayal wouldn't result in anywhere near as much fuss. Therefore, expect a very different depiction of the character in the movie. In fact, he might not even be Chinese and could even be given a different name entirely.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.