10 Fascinating Star Wars Facts That Sound Fake (But Will Blow Your Mind!)

1. Gareth Edwards Decided On A Planet Name After A Botched Coffee Order

Return of the Jedi

Easily one of the cooler planets introduced during the Disney era of Star Wars tales, Gareth Edwards brought the gorgeous tropical world known as Scarif to screens during Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.

And while George Lucas opted to name Luke Skywalker's planet Tatooine after the Tunisian town of Tataouine where those particular Star Wars scenes were shot, the 2016 spin-off's director had a different and rather unbelievable method when it came to world naming.

After growing up imagining how cool it would be to be responsible for naming some new characters and places within this massive galaxy far, far away, Edwards soon found himself being asked by writer Gary Whitta to name the film's end planet while he was finishing Rogue One's draft.

So, the director went off to get a coffee and think about this rather important decision. And it was whilst ordering that cup of caffeine that Edwards' words of "It's Gareth" when asked who the coffee was for soon led to the name "Scarif" being scribbled on the side of the container.

Clearly feeling he wouldn't find anything better in his own mind, that barista's mistake ended up in front of Whitta when Edwards got back, with the two deciding there and then that they'd bizarrely just found the planet they were searching for.

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