10 Fascinating Star Wars Facts That Sound Fake (But Will Blow Your Mind!)

2. Sarlaccs Are Pretty Much Space Mushrooms

Return of the Jedi

Believe it or not, that terrifying creature responsible for almost murdering the most badass bounty hunter in the galaxy during the events of Return of the Jedi actually had some rather fascinating beginnings.

The mighty sarlacc, sometimes found in Tatooine's Dune Sea, actually begins life as a spore (via Star Wars Card Trader).

Which suggests the beaked, tentacle-boasting carnivore is actually closer to a space mushroom than a murderous animal, with the galaxy far, far away's xenobiologist still not being entirely sure which category the creature falls into.

And if you wanted to know exactly how a sarlacc spore is brought into this universe, when a female sarlacc and a male sarlacc mate, the smaller latter parasitically feeds on the former until he's the same size as his lady. Then, this male will burst, with that eruption releasing MILLIONS of little sarlacc spores into the galaxy that will eventually mature into full-size monsters after 30,000 years.

They then bury down into the ground of whatever place they landed on, waiting for a tasty bounty hunter to digest for a millennia.

That is the horrendous truth, friends. Isn't Star Wars nature wonderful?

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