10 Fascinating Star Wars Facts That Sound Fake (But Will Blow Your Mind!)
4. The Music Heard In The Cantina Is Known As Jizz

You've already had the Emperor's menacing chair spins ruined for you, now it's time to taint one of the most beloved musical moments in Star Wars history.
Up there alongside John Williams' exceptional Binary Sunset, Duel of the Fates, and Star Wars (Main Title) as all-time Star Wars bangers, it's simply impossible to not bop around to the vibrant tune being played by Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes within Mos Eisley's cantina.
What you may not be aware of, however, was the fact that the breezy sounds being pumped into your innocent ears here was actually a style of music known as... well... jizz.
This joyous music is called jizz, folks.
And the beings found unleashing this wonderful noise across the galaxy far, far away, including the blue, elephant-looking legend known as Max Rebo within Jabba the Hutt's palace? They are known as Jizz-wailers.
George Lucas clearly wanted to throw a style of music into his alien universe that possessed the same swinging vibe found in our planet's jazz. So, he seemingly had the genius idea of swapping out one vowel for another, and before long this upbeat jizz soon burst onto the scene.