10 Fascinating Star Wars Facts That Sound Fake (But Will Blow Your Mind!)

3. A Star Wars Visual Effects Supervisor Helped Make Photoshop

Return of the Jedi

Along with being one of the people responsible for creating some of the most mesmerising visual effects ever to land on the big-screen throughout the prequel trilogy and Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, it turns out that the brilliant John Knoll was also partially responsible for a tool that would change our galaxy forever.

Before Knoll went on to work on the likes of Mission: Impossible, Pirates of the Caribbean, Avatar and, of course, Star Wars, Industrial Light and Magic's Chief Creative Officer actually helped create, alongside his brother Thomas, a little piece of software known as Adobe Photoshop.

The same Photoshop tool the brothers ended up selling to Adobe for $34.5 million back in 1995, that would ultimately go on to become the biggest image editing app on the planet, and even eventually turned into a full-blown verb that popped up in the Merriam-Webster dictionary.

Simply put, Knoll hasn't just had an impact on some of your favourite-ever big-screen adventures, both he and his brother completely changed the photo-editing game, too.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...