10 Fatal Mistakes That Ruined The DCEU

9. Not Giving Man Of Steel A Sequel

Justice League Flash Wonder Woman
Warner Bros.

When Man of Steel was released, besides a few Easter Eggs hidden in the background it offered little indication that it was set to be the launchpad for an entire shared universe that would spring up out of nowhere.

Any cinematic universe that wants to stick around needs to give audiences a reason to do so, but we'd barely scratched the surface of finding out what makes Henry Cavill's Superman tick before he was essentially relegated to the sidelines of the franchise he'd established, with the general consensus being that Warner Bros. wanted to get Batman back on the big screen as soon as possible.

A Man of Steel sequel could have pre-empted many of the narrative issues that would go on to plague the DCEU during the Zack Snyder years, laying the foundations for Justice League and expanding the mythology organically, instead of giving the team-up movie a locked-in release date, rushing straight into Batman v Superman and then introducing the rest of the ensemble in the movie via GIFs of all things, without explaining to more casual viewers who these people actually were and why we should care.


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