10 Female-Led Superhero Movies We Want To See

6. She-Hulk

She hulk

Jennifer Walters is Bruce Banner's cousin, and after oh-so-conveniently receiving an emergency blood transfusion from him, she also gained a watered-down version of his Hulk powers, largely retaining her regular cognitive function unlike Banner's equivalent. And thus, She-Hulk was born.

Now, this one is incredibly tricky because, to casual audiences, She-Hulk is a bit of a joke, and selling her to them won't be easy. However, a female spin on the big green dude, especially as a woman who transforms while retaining her mental agency, would certainly add some fun feminine energy to the MCU.

How Likely Is It?: Not at all. Firstly, it's probably too challenging to sell general audiences on a character who sounds so inherently goofy, especially as he origin story is so laughably convoluted.

Plus, if Kevin Feige won't pull the trigger on a solo Hulk movie, what possible hope could a She-Hulk film ever have? Never say never, but almost certainly not. 0.5/10

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.