10 Fierce Feuds Between Film Stars And Critics

2. Howard Stern vs Gene Siskel & Roger Ebert

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTRRkgOlzzE Siskel & Ebert were famous not just for their informative, comprehensive, and influential criticism, but also the way in which they would willingly tear one another apart on their show. Their disagreements were the stuff of legend in the criticism community. But the two had a special kind of brotherly bond between them. They often appeared together on talk shows, and were once invited to review a short movie written and directed by Howard Stern. After hearing their respective reviews, the presenter attempted to openly mock one member of the duo. The pair then ganged up on him together, ultimately making Stern look like a complete fool. These were two of the most intelligent presenters of the period, but Stern - being typical Stern - still tries (in the above video), and ultimately fails, to get them both wound up. Both Siskel & Ebert remain calm, cool and collected throughout the exchange despite being consistently provoked. Stern's behaviour on the other hand begins to look more embarrassing the longer the video goes on, with the incendiary presenter leaning heavily on fawning co-host Robin Quivers to chortle at everything he says - even the offensive racial slurs he makes about Ebert's wife. Despite this uncomfortable exchange, Siskel & Ebert became regular guests on the Stern show, and whilst heated arguments often arose, you could sense a mutual respect growing between them as the years went on. Stern was quick to pay tribute to Ebert when he passed away in April 2013, expressing sadness for the loss of a man that he had always deemed to be a "great guest".

Gaz Lloyd hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.