10 Film Characters Who Inexplicably Shrugged Off Fatal Injuries

3. Collateral €“ Vincent

Collateral Obviously, road safety adverts aren€™t there for show €“ they€™re there to prevent very real tragedies from occurring, and that€™s fantastic. Really, if millions of us place a tonne of metal around us every day and hurtle around roads at terrifying speeds, such things should be a given. Yet if we were all like Tom Cruise€™s Vincent in Collateral, there would be no need for it. The fact of the matter is Vincent€™s ability to survive a crash is something to be both admired and envied. The man is subjected to a hundred-miles-per-hour collision, yet this seems to do nothing but ruffle his suit slightly. Now, I understand that Vincent is supposed to be some awesome, badass killing machine, but getting involved in a tiff at 20 would do something to knock you off your determined stride. A crash at 100, well, they should really be calling up the coffin-makers, because there€™s no way you€™re making it out of that one with severe internal injuries. Yet Vincent totally does. In fact, he€™s not really too fazed by it €“ there€™s very little change with the accuracy of his shooting, and he€™s only slightly miffed at Max for orchestrating the whole thing. If your villain can shake this one off, you might as well drop what you€™re doing and surrender to him €“ he€™s clearly some sort of god. The guy also gets bonus points for shaking off a bonafide headshot at the film€™s climax, and even when he is mortally wounded he dies in his own sweet time... God, this man€™s terrifying.

Durham University graduate and qualified sports journalist. Very good at sitting down and watching things. Can multi-task this with playing computer games. Football Manager addict who has taken Shrewsbury Town to the summit of the Premier League. You can follow me at @Ed_OwenUK, if you like ramblings about Newcastle United and A Place in the Sun. If you don't, I don't know what I can do for you.