10 Film Franchises You Really Should Stop Watching After The 2nd Movie

8. Sam Raimi's Spider-Man Trilogy

Spider-Man 3
Sony Pictures

Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man kick started the superhero genre in the early 2000s, with its fun action, great cast, and solid script. It’s not hard to see why it was such a hit. After its release, a sequel was inevitable.

And so it did. Spider-Man 2 came out only a few years after its predecessor, and in many ways, exceeded it. Many still regard Spider-Man 2 as one of the greatest superhero movies ever made as it took everything solid about the first installment and improved upon it. It was the prefect sequel to the first.

When the final movie in the trilogy was due to hit theaters, people were reasonably super excited. But this excitement was misplaced, as behind the scenes, Spider-Man 3 was a disaster.

Its production is the classic tail of the producers and director having major disagreements. The higher-ups over at Sony wanted Venom to be the main villain, while Raimi wanted to focus on Sandman and New Goblin. They compromised and all three ended up in the final product. And of course, it was an overstuffed mess.

Surely Sony would never repeat this mistake again? Right?


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