10 Film Heroes Who Really Didn't Need To Die

1. Gandalf - Lord Of The Rings

Taking the prize for the most needless death ever in a film, Gandalf the Grey really could've overcome the Balrog, had he have used some of that wizarding cleverness of his. Frodo had a magical ring capable of incredible power, so Gandalf rounded up a gang, and together, they went to destroy it. Given that he was easily the most powerful character in the series, it was lucky that the hobbits had such a presence as Gandalf to help them to Mordor; it must have been heart-wrenching for him to die halfway through the journey. What really is a kick in the teeth though, is the poor whimper with which the great wizard actually perished. The whole scene, as gripping as it is, could have been handled better by everyone. Gandalf perches himself, halfway along the bridge, intent on destroying this fiery creature and buying the hobbits some time. Gandalf's big plan though, is to break the bridge that he's standing on. Would it not make more sense to stand closer to the Hobbits, or you know, not break something you're standing on? And where's all this magic that you're supposed to have Gandalf? Are you really a wizard or an old man with a big stick? The Fellowship have a good head-start on the Balrog, but still the Hobbits stay to watch the fight, despite Gandalf doing all of this so that they can run and not look back. It's a totally avoidable death, and if he hadn't have returned as Gandalf the White, it might have tainted his whole character. It's good job dying only makes his clothes brighter. Did you enjoy this article? Share your thoughts in the comments thread below.

Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.