10 Film Heroes Who Really Didn't Need To Die

5. Jean Grey - X2

Jean Grey was such a huge character of the early X-Men films; as well as creating a love triangle between herself, Cyclops and Wolverine, she was one of the more powerful mutants in the series. So when Magneto, Mystique and Pyro all flee a flood in their helicopter, and the X-Men's jet won't start, it becomes apparent that Jean will be the one to save the good guys. But why does she have to die in the process? Jean leaves the jet and creates a telekinetic wall to protect the X-Men against the torrent of water. This of courses sacrifices herself, as she phones in her goodbyes to Charles Xavier telepathically, but why did she have to leave the jet to stop the water? If she controls things with her mind, surely it's doable from nearby; there's never any mention that Grey has to be a certain distance away from things. If it's taking up that much energy, don't telepathically communicate a goodbye; just get on with the job. Jean Grey had to die to set up the third X-Men film; we understand that. But like this? It seems like a suicide mission if nothing else: she was established as stronger than this. This is the moment that some people would claim the X-Men franchise slid down-hill.

Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.