10 Film Heroes Who Really Didn't Need To Die

6. Derek's Friends - Zoolander

Male model Derek Zoolander isn't the sharpest tool in the box ("I was bulimic." "You can read minds?"). But on the brief appearance that his model friends had in Zoolander, they're even dumber than he is. Derek's down in the dumps about losing his award to Hansel. He lives with three other models, as vacuous as he is, so the three decide to go out together, to cheer poor Zoolander up. Whilst out, they stop for petrol, and having a whale of a time listening to 'Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go' by Wham, they begin having a water fight, only it's not water but petrol. Luckily, Derek Zoolander's not actually in the midst of the action - it would've been a short film had he have been - but as soon as someone lights a cigarette, the whole petrol station goes up in flames, killing everyone instantly, and prompting Derek into a brief retirement from the modelling industry. Avoiding an explosion at a petrol station is incredibly easy: just don't get petrol anywhere other than in the car, and don't light any kind of flame while in the vicinity.

Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.