10 Film Heroes Who Really Didn't Need To Die

3. The Whole Group - The Mist

We've all seen disaster movies where the entire human race disappears within a matter of hours. Most of us have probably wondered too, would we actually want to survive a world where evil beasts, pandemics or zombies have killed most of the Earth? Rather like I Am Legend, The Mist gives an intriguing twist on this very simple question. Protagonist David drives across the country with four other people - including his son - trying to escape the creatures that have been released by soldiers from another dimension (we've all had bad days at the office, cut them a break). Possibly the catalyst in his doom, he returns home to find he has no home anymore, as it's been destroyed, and his wife's dead; the gang carry on further, until they spot a tentacled monster. After agreement, David shoots the other four with his last bullets, even his son, and leaves the car to face the thing alone. And this is when a tank comes out of nowhere to save the day. David realises that he's been running away from help all this time, and that there are other survivors of this catastrophe. This is all happening thirty seconds after he killed his son, and three other people trying to spare them from a monster. There's no way that this tragedy could have been avoided, but that's so needless; they were so close to getting help. Talk about kicking a man when he's down.

Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.