10 Film Heroes Who Totally Failed In Their Quest

5. R.J. MacReady - The Thing

Kurt Russell The Thing

The Quest

Take control of the Antarctic research facility and destroy the alien, shape-shifting parasite before it assimilates the entire base.

What Happens?

The devious nature of the extraterrestrial creature quickly causes helicopter pilot MacReady (Kurt Russell) and his colleagues to distrust one another, given that any one of them could in fact be The Thing.

The creature efficiently works its way through the team, using them as hosts and, once detected, killing the host by violently expelling itself and seeking a new one.

Why Did He Fail?

Though MacReady is still very much alive when John Carpenter's horror classic rolls credits, the clear implication is that both he and fellow survivor Childs (Keith David) are not long for this world.

With the base blown up in a last-ditch attempt to destroy the Thing, MacReady and Childs have no refuge from the chilly elements, ensuring that they'll imminently freeze to death.

Moreover, each man suspects the other just might be the Thing, yet isn't in any condition to do anything about it.

Despite the many smart and resourceful choices MacReady makes throughout the film, it all ultimately appears to be for nothing in Carpenter's grim masterpiece.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.