If Philip K. Dick somehow discovered a time machine and visited us from the past, his first question would be, 'where are all the flying cars?'* It's been over 30 years since Blade Runner was released, yet in that time we still haven't been able to create anything closely resembling a Spinner, which suggests something is very wrong with our priorities. We've produced vehicles which can break the sound barrier and even run on electricity and water, so why can't they fly yet? Every science fiction from the past 50 year promised me that we'd have flying cars by now, so I have to say that I'm more than a little disappointed that we haven't realised this year. Spinners or any sort of flying car could very well put an end to traffic congestion and give us a new sense of control whilst driving and perhaps we could also develop a way to reduce emissions in the process, too? The sky would probably darken and be filled with pollution, but we'd be flying in cars and that would be totally worth it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ywd0yNXmHaA *- That, or 'Why did you ruin Total Recall?'
Ian is a North Eastern lad who has written across a variety of mediums. An avid tea drinker with a custard cream addiction, Ian is the guardian of five foot tall inflatable penguin called Kevin.