5. Scarface
Drug: Cocaine As Ben Parker once famously proclaimed: with great power, comes great responsibility. It is a moral that has aided his nephew Peter many a time throughout his illustrious career, carrying him through those dark situations in which all hope seems lost. As a result, Spider-Man has become a firm figure of inspiration, teaching children of all ages to aspire towards greatness in a responsible manner. Unfortunately, Tony Montana was never a comic book fan. Having built himself up from one of the many dregs of society to an impressively wealthy overlord, Montana's story could easily have been viewed as an epitome of the American Dream. That is, of course, if it wasn't for the fact that his ill-gotten gains were attained through drug dealing. Alas, Montana duly received his recompense for such immoralities; his untimely death somewhat souring his story of success. However, the fact still remains that, had ambition and paranoia not clouded his judgement, Tony would have still been alive by the film's climax; reaping in the benefits of a daily income which exceeds that of which most men might make in a lifetime.