10 Film Secrets That Were Hiding In Plain Sight

1. John Wick's New Dog Was Scheduled To Be Put Down (Just Like Him) - John Wick

John Wick Keanu Reeves
Summit Entertainment

The first John Wick ends with the titular assassin (Keanu Reeves) breaking into an animal clinic and freeing a pit bull, taking it as his own pet and eventually naming it Good Dog in the sequel.

But if you're not paying incredibly close attention, it's easy to miss the precise nature of what John is up to here, and many assumed on an initial viewing that John might've just nicked somebody's beloved doggo.

It's only clearly visible on screen for maybe half a second, but Good Dog's case notes have a "To be put down" stamp on the front, ensuring that John's simply saving the life of a dog due to be exterminated.

Given that John himself has spent the majority of the franchise outliving those seeking to put him down, it's an apt metaphor, yet one easily missed.


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