10 Film Villains We Secretly Wanted To Win

6. Buddy Pine/Syndrome €“ The Incredibles

It€™s hard to hate Buddy Pine (also known as Syndrome) when his €˜evil€™ intentions are to bestow the gift of superpowers to the world. Of course some of the elements to his master plan are underhand and even criminal but hey €“ you have to break a few eggs to make an omelette. Do you really think the Henry Fords and Thomas Edisons of the world got to where they were without stepping on a few toes? It must also be remembered that Buddy was practically forced to hate superheroes when €“ in his younger years €“ he was shunned by Mr. Incredible after trying his hardest to impress him. Maybe if the burly hero had been a bit more understanding Buddy wouldn€™t have gone down the supervillain path. It€™s probably inaccurate to call Syndrome a supervillain anyway. He doesn€™t want to spread anarchy or seize the world€™s riches €“ he just wants to give everyone superpowers to devalue real superpowers. While it€™s true that everyone having a power would make it far less remarkably, we truly wouldn€™t care if we were able to fly through the air and play catch with cars.

Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.