10 Filmmakers Obsessed With ONE Thing

7. Wes Anderson - Symmetry

Quentin Tarantino From Dusk Till Dawn
Focus Features

While Wes Anderson features many recurring elements in his films - namely pastel shades, folksy music, and Bill Murray - there's one particular stylistic trait that's entirely unique to him.

More than any other major filmmaker working today, Anderson is absolutely consumed by the notion of visual symmetry.

Watch any Anderson film and you'll see the majority of his shots arranged to be as symmetrical as humanly possible, while the focal elements are pushed to the center of the frame.

Given that symmetry is often linked to beauty, it makes sense that Anderson would defer to it. While it would seem inauthentic in a more grounded drama film, for Anderson's brand of heightened surrealism, it works spectacularly.

If nothing else, those perfectly symmetrical shots certainly let you know you're watching a Wes Anderson joint.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.