10 Films Coming In 2016 That Really Shouldn't Exist

5. Dirty Grandpa

It€™s difficult to figure out what€™s more upsetting about this sounds-like-a-Knoxville-sequel-but-not. Admittedly, we already knew that Zac Efron€™s acting range spanned between frat boy, college kid and young adult male, with the occasional bicep tense thrown in for good measure. What we didn€™t know is just how easy it is to entice Mr Coppola himself, Robert De Niro, with the promise of party boy antics and the opportunity to grope some (consenting) girls. One can only imagine the pitch went something like, €œSo, um, De Niro. Efron. Post-funeral of a loved on. Spring break? Bikinis. Beers. Lots of yelling. Lame jokes...yeah.€ And, oddly enough, that€™s exactly how it€™ll play out. From Taxi Driver and Godfather to another teen sex-a-thon, how the mighty have fallen. Sure, De Niro deserves some fun, but fondling Aubrey Plaza in a film which literally takes its title from the familial figure that nobody wants to be around sort of begs the question whether €œthe way I do it€ really cuts the mustard any more, Ace... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOAn83vOZLk

Happy-snapping worldly wordsmith. In between snapping street shots, tapping out stellar prose and having more hair-brained ideas than a barber with a bachelor's in business, you'll find him fumbling with the latest fitness fads and dreaming of a debut in F1 (he's a late bloomer, OK?).