10 Films Directors Regret Making

1. The Impostors - Stanley Tucci

Shutter Island Teddy Daniels

We'll wrap this list up with a deep cut now - 1998 The Impostors, the second directorial effort from Stanley Tucci, which while receiving broadly positive reviews from critics was a box office flop.

In a 2021 interview on Variety's Awards Circuit Podcast, Tucci spoke irreverently about the film's failure and his own regrets with making it as not only director but also writer, producer, and star. He said:

"Every now and then, someone will come up to me and say they love the second movie I made, which was called The Imposters... They say, 'It's my favorite movie of all time.' And then I accuse them having escaped from an asylum... [If he hadn't directed it] then I think it would have been a really good movie."

Sure, the movie wasn't a hit and certainly a comedown from his acclaimed 1996 debut Big Night, but Tucci's still being pretty damn harsh on himself here. It's not like he made Gigli, right?

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.