10 Films Intended To Be R-Rated That Got Neutered To PG-13

8. Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice

Venom Nineties Cartoon
Warner Bros.

Following the ever-divisive Man of Steel, Zack Snyder and DC didn't just double down on their intentions, they quadrupled down.

Not only was the follow-up a Man of Steel sequel, it was also going to serve as a gateway drug into the full-blown world of the Justice League, giving Batman co-billing and spending the majority of the film's nearly three-hour runtime building up to events that were set to be capitalized on in later films.

And the deadly serious tone that Snyder used throughout Man of Steel was also amplified. Snyder's Batman was a cold-blooded murderer who pulled no punches and he went out of his way to include a scene where Superman cut people in half with his heat vision. The violence was more than a bit over-the-top, and as a result, the first cut that was submitted to the MPAA received an R-rating.

Seeing as that isn't exactly what fans think of when they think of the World's Finest heroes teaming up for the first time on-screen, WB and DC forced Snyder to make cuts to ensure their would-be mega blockbuster got the PG-13 rating they had planned on. Snyder reluctantly agreed, but his R-rated cut was later released as the Ultimate Edition, a version which Snyder still claims as his original vision for the film.

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A film enthusiast and writer, who'll explain to you why Jingle All The Way is a classic any day of the week.