10 Films That Prove The Middle Entry In A Trilogy Is Always The Best

10. Evil Dead II (1987)

ash evil dead Thomas Edison once said that to invent you need imagination and a pile of junk. If you add to that corn syrup substituted as blood then you'll have all the ingredients for Sam Raimi's classic horror comedy The Evil Dead, first released in 1981. Made on a shoestring budget this horror classic went on to become the ultimate video nasty. Six years later, Raimi returned with more money and even more corn syrup as hero Ash returned to the cabin in the woods while the demons released by reading from the Book of the Dead continued their attacks. There was gore, there was comedy, and there was Bruce Campbell. One of the greatest horror films of all-time was the result. Another six years later, Raimi went bigger and even crazier when he got medieval on the Deadites a**es with Army of Darkness (1993) to complete the trilogy. There is but one word that adequately describes the greatest horror trilogy of all-time and that word is groovy. Trilogy Low Point: The Army Of Darkness is immensely enjoyable and fun like Evil Dead I & II but lacks the horror to go with the laughs. Did you Know?... Freddie Kruger€™s glove can be seen hanging above a door in the cabin. Sam Raimi put this in after Wes Craven showed The Evil Dead on TV during a scene in A Nightmare on Elm Street.

Writer from Cardiff. Fan of all rebels, rogues and rascals.