10 Films That Prove The Middle Entry In A Trilogy Is Always The Best

9. X-Men 2 (2003)

Bryan Singer helped shape the immediate future of cinema when he took a group of superheroes in spandex and created a character-led sci-fi film rooted in the real world with 2000's X-Men. The film showed Hollywood and audiences that the genre could be taken seriously but still be fun. Singer ramped the whole thing up to 11 with the sequel three years later and crafted what is, arguably, one of the greatest superhero films ever made. From Nightcrawler's White House attack to the infiltration of the school, to Magneto's jailbreak to Jean Grey's sacrifice, X-Men 2 delivered great action and human drama. The original trilogy ended with what should have been an epic conclusion to the Dark Phoenix storyline in 2006's The Last Stand. However, with Singer and then Matthew Vaughan jumping ship, the final film feels like a missed opportunity. Trilogy Low Point: X-Men: The Last Stand. It made a mess of the Phoenix story-line, overloaded it with too many characters and almost killed the franchise. Thank the Gods for First Class for igniting a new trilogy. Did you Know?... Pyro€™s Zippo lighter has a shark on it which was added by Bryan Singer as a tribute to one of his favourite films; Jaws.

Writer from Cardiff. Fan of all rebels, rogues and rascals.