10 Films That Risk Being 2014's Biggest Box Office Failures

2. Dracula Untold

Plenty of famous characters are being given the gritty reboot treatment, so why not Dracula? Originally announced in 2007 as Dracula Year Zero with Alex Proyas behind the camera and Sam Worthington in the title role, the movie finally hits theaters this year with Luke Evans starring and newcomer Gary Shore making his directorial debut. After being the subject of literally hundreds of movies, in the current cinematic climate is was only a matter of time before we were given Dracula's origin story. Untold will combine elements of the true story of Vlad Tepes with vampire mythology in a movie that will try to toe the line between darkly Gothic and fantastically camp. However, outside of Twilight's sparkly bloodsuckers, vampire movies have generally had a tough time at the box office in recent years, and there is no reason to believe that this latest iteration of Dracula will buck the trend. It doesn't help when the movie is set to be released on October 17, a time of year hardly renowned for its blockbuster offerings. Dracula Untold could see a decent pre-Halloween opening weekend, but will likely lose most of its audience the following week to Paranormal Activity 5. With a budget rumored to be around $70m, the movie is going to need to be something special to avoid box office disaster.

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