10 Films That Risk Being 2014's Biggest Box Office Failures

1. Jupiter Ascending

To put it simply; The Wachowski siblings really need a hit. Since the conclusion of The Matrix trilogy, the duo have released only two features in the intervening decade, one of which they co-directed. Both Speed Racer and Cloud Atlas are visually stunning, technically impressive movies, but both cost upwards of $100m and didn't exactly light up the box office. Unfortunately, it seems unlikely that Jupiter Ascending won't be able to end their run of commercial disappointments. The Wachowskis should be commended for their ambition; the pair arguably rank amongst the most accomplished visual directors in the business and have no doubt turned down multiple offers to direct studio pictures, but instead opted to create a completely original sci-fi epic. However, despite the presence of popular stars Channing Tatum and Mila Kunis Jupiter Ascending is an incredibly tough sell to casual audiences, with the initial trailer generating opinions that vary from the jaw-dropping to the yawn-inducing. Upcoming marketing will no doubt play up the Matrix connection, but in a summer crowded with sequels to well-known properties such a unique premise could ultimately harm the movie's chances of success. The July 18 date comes three weeks after Transformers: Age of Extinction and one week on from Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, two sci-fi efforts that already have built-in audiences. If that wasn't bad enough, Marvel Studios throw their hat into the sci-fi ring just two weeks later with the release of the hugely-anticipated Guardians of the Galaxy. There's only so much ticket money to go around, and during the summer audiences will almost always choose the established brand.

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