10 Films That Risk Being 2014's Biggest Box Office Failures

8. Edge Of Tomorrow

Tom Cruise stars in his second consecutive sci-fi blockbuster following last year's Oblivion, with Edge of Tomorrow being adapted from Hiroshi Sakuruzaka's novel All You Need is Kill. Non-franchise sci-fi has had a patchy track record at the box office in recent years and Cruise's drawing power definitely isn't what it once was, so there is a distinct possibility that Edge of Tomorrow could disappoint commercially, especially given the reported $150m budget. Outside of the Mission: Impossible franchise it has been almost a decade since Cruise headlined a movie that has earned over $100m domestically, which make Edge of Tomorrow's appeal to international audiences all the more important. With the obvious exception of Gravity, the sci-fi genre has seen the likes of Elysium, In Time, After Earth, Looper and Cruise's own Oblivion under-perform Stateside. The first trailer effectively showcased the movie's intriguing premise, as well as the promise of some epic set-pieces but it remains an unknown quantity in a sea of recognizable properties with built-in audiences coming this summer. By the time Edge of Tomorrow hits theaters on June 6 The Amazing Spider-Man, Godzilla, X-Men: Days of Future Past and Maleficent will all still be playing, and the sheer volume of competition could end up hurting the movie's financial prospects. However, should it open strong the movie faces little direct competition for 3 weeks before Transformers: Age of Extinction arrives, but it needs to earn a lot of money to justify the massive budget.

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