10 Films That Risk Being 2015's Biggest Box Office Failures

2. Jupiter Ascending

Jupiter Ascending was originally set for release last July, but just weeks before it was due to hit theaters it was pulled from the schedule and shunted back to February 6, 2015. The studio claimed that the time was needed to fine-tune the complicated visual effects and prepare the marketing campaign, but dumping a $175m sci-fi blockbuster in the first week of February is hardly a ringing endorsement of the final product. Since the conclusion of The Matrix Trilogy over a decade ago, the Wachowskis have only released two movies, neither of which bode well for Jupiter Ascending's chances of success; Speed Racer and Cloud Atlas are both sci-fi features that cost upwards of $100m, and both turned out to be box office disappointments. With less than four weeks to go until the movie finally sees the light of day, the marketing campaign has been relatively light for a high-profile studio release, especially with such negative buzz surrounding the project. Despite the presence of popular stars Channing Tatum and Mila Kunis in the lead roles, Jupiter Ascending looks to be a tough sell to casual audiences; while the trailers and posters emphasize the 'from the creators of The Matrix' connection, the movie's unique premise seems unlikely to pack theaters during one of the quietest months of the year at the box office. The highest-grossing sci-fi ever released in February was 2008's Jumper, which topped out at $80.2m domestically. Jupiter Ascending needs to earn at least $300m globally just to break even, and it seems increasingly likely that the movie will mark the Wachowskis' third box office flop in a row.

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