10 Films That Risk Being 2015's Biggest Box Office Failures

1. Seventh Son

Out of all the young adult literary adaptations that have made their way to the big screen in recent years, Sergei Bodorov's Seventh Son has faced the most obstacles. Shooting started on the project all the way back in March 2012, and after several release date changes the movie is finally set for release on February 6, where it will almost certainly sink without a trace at the box office. Seventh Son has been so long coming that it was originally scheduled for February 2013, which was then pushed back to October after bankrupted effects house Rhythm and Hues received $5m from Legendary Pictures to finish the CGI, which was running way behind schedule. The movie was shifted again to January 2014 before Legendary sold the distribution rights to Universal who once more pushed the release date back to February 2015. Even though Seventh Son boasts an impressive cast including Jeff Bridges, Julianne Moore, Olivia Williams, Djimon Honsou and rising star Alicia Vikander, with a budget rumored to be close to $100m it looks set to be the year's first major box office bomb. Like fellow delayed release Jupiter Ascending, there doesn't seem to be a market for Seventh Son in February, a notoriously quiet month at the box office; family audiences are more likely too go and see The SpongeBob Movie or Shaun The Sheep, while older crowds have Kingsman: The Secret Service, Fifty Shades Of Grey, Hot Tub Time Machine 2 and Focus coming up. The movie opened internationally several weeks ago and has so far earned just $35.7m, with its chances of domestic success virtually nonexistent. What are your predictions for the biggest bombs of 2015? Share them in the comments below.

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