10 Films That Risk Being 2015's Biggest Box Office Failures

9. Mad Max: Fury Road

A full 30 years after Beyond Thunderdome, Mad Max returns to the big screen in the long-delayed Fury Road, with Tom Hardy taking over from Mel Gibson as the iconic title character. The movie is only now getting ready to hit theaters after a torturous production history, which is incredible when you think that Hardy was cast in late 2009 and shooting started in July 2012. Of course, the first trailer for the movie is nothing short of stunning; selling the bare-bones concept of one chase sequence dominating the entire running time, the footage is packed with spectacular practical effects and jaw-dropping visuals from start to finish. In short; it looks f**king awesome and bats**t insane in equal measure. However, as promising as the trailer was, this article is about movies that could struggle at the box office and unfortunately Fury Road fits into this category. Blockbuster season is all about franchise familiarity and Hollywood's beloved 'four quadrant appeal', which could make a more 'out there' movie like Fury Road a tough sell for casual audiences that are more likely to spend their ticket money on an established brand. However, the biggest problem could turn out to be the release date; the movie hits theaters two weeks after Age Of Ultron and a week before Spy and Tomorrowland, titles that will score big numbers and provide stiff box office competition. While Mad Max: Fury Road could very well be one of the best blockbusters of the year, it could struggle for commercial success.

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