10 Films Ruined By Being An Hour Too Long

8. The Master

I am certain that many will object to this entry, yet as much as I admire Paul Thomas Anderson's stern drama, I can't help but think it would have been vastly superior if the glacial pace had been toyed with and snipped at a little here and there. At 144 minutes, The Master is an epic, sweeping examination of desperation and post-war defeat, but does it really need all of those snarls and stares into the middle distance, all of those visually gorgeous yet protracted shots of the landscapes? Many would have balked at an 84 minute version of this story, yet there's a lot to be said for economic filmmaking, and with a snappier pace, I think it's safe to say that PTA could have conveyed much the same sentiment while saving an hour of our lives. However, the earlier trailers for the film had plenty of footage that didn't end up in the final cut, so perhaps we should be grateful that the film was "only" 144 minutes long...

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.