10 Films That Actually Got Biology Right

7. Drug Research And Development - Extraordinary Measures

Contagion Gwyneth Paltrow
CBS Films

Admittedly, Extraordinary Measures couldn't stop people labelling it as a run-of-the-mill soapy medical drama. But, of all the things they got wrong, their handling of the Biology involved wasn't one of them. Basing the film on a true story helps, documenting how a drug for Pompe disease (a rare genetic disorder influencing signals passed on from the brain to muscles) came to be.

Extraordinary Measures provides a fascinating insight into the long process in which a new medication can be taken to market. It focuses on the interplay between researchers discovering the new therapy and the higher-ups at the pharmaceutical company worried about their bottom line. Together, they work on developing a replacement for an enzyme Pompe patients lack which is pivotal for releasing sugars from their natural stores.

The film did an admirable job at making the intricacies of the story accessible and easy for audiences to understand, highlighting how intense the arduous journey of drug development is. It's such a shame the film is plagued with tired cliches, over-the-top cheesiness and serious pacing issues. These technical flaws completely undermines the power of the story and wastes Harrison Ford in a final product that could've been so much better.


Born in the Med but made up north. Loves a cheesy action flick almost as much as the walk back to the seat after another round of karaoke