10 Films That Actually Got Biology Right

6. The Immune System (To A Point) - Osmosis Jones

Contagion Gwyneth Paltrow
Warner Bros.

So this is by far the least accurate film on the list. But it's a great example of how to use biology in a respectful way without following every fact to the letter. You just need to get creative.

It does start on the right track, with a fairly truthful portrayal of how viruses can enter the body and start to infect (something we all know a bit more about now), emphasising the importance of hygiene. Once we actually get inside the body, it's a different story.

At this point, the filmmakers start taking creative licence, building an inner world that's similar to our own. Yet, this structure allowed them to work in clever metaphors to explore human anatomy in an ingenious way. Granted, the whole plot would actually go down completely differently, as the body has three distinct lines of defence, not just the one depicted here. We'll give it a pass though, for the sake of keeping the film easy for younger viewers and teaching them some vital lessons along the way.

Osmosis Jones proves that science isn't just a hurdle that writers need to attempt to jump over, but also a handy tool in the right hands.


Born in the Med but made up north. Loves a cheesy action flick almost as much as the walk back to the seat after another round of karaoke