10 Films That Are Said To Be Cursed

5. Atuk

The Exorcist Reagan

You may not have actually heard of Atuk before, and for good reason. The fish-out-of-water-comedy that sees a Inuit hunter travelling to New York was never actually filmed. And despite that, Atuk has the misfortune of best being remembered for the rumoured curse that took the lives of the stars attached to it.

We have to go back to 1982 for the start of the dark legend. It was alleged that John Belushi was the first to show interest in the lead part, having read the script, but he died soon after of a drug overdose.

After Belushi’s death, the script was then passed on to Sam Kinison, who died a few years after in a car crash. And if that wasn’t already enough, it was then passed on a further two times to John Candy, who died from a heart attack, and then finally landed at the feet of Chris Farely, who like Belushi, died of an overdose in 1997.

Thankfully, Hollywood's finest can rest easy knowing that the script has been shelved ever since.

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The Exorcist
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