10 Films That Are Said To Be Cursed

4. The Omen

The Exorcist Reagan
20th Century Fox

The tragic events surrounding the original Omen form a list so chilling that it wouldn't be out of place in a horror movie.

To start, a plane carrying scriptwriter David Seltzer was struck by lightning, a fate that unthinkably also struck planes carrying star Gregory Peck, as well as executive producer Mace Neufelds. Those near-disasters weren’t enough to put them off filming.

Next, two IRA bombings took place near where the crew were staying, and were set to film the next day, though again, even that wasn’t enough to deter them.

One of the most infamous stories involves the film's special effects consultant, John Richardson, who was involved in a car crash that killed his girlfriend, mimicking a death scene from the film. Even spookier it is alleged that he stepped out of the wreckage in Holland and saw a sign that read Ommen 66.6km. This all happened on Friday 13th.

It doesn’t end there either: a plane that was supposed to have been chartered for the production but was instead used for commercial purposes crashed, killing everyone on board.

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The Exorcist
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