10 Films That Made Audiences Dumber

9. Terminator Genisys

keanu reeves day the earth stood still
Paramount Pictures

Imagine the fun that Mystery Science Theatre 3000 could have with a needless sequel that refuses to make sense and whose dialogue lands with a thud every few minutes. Terminator Genisys is such a sequel, a movie so awkwardly contrived and crassly commercial that it deserves to lampooned as ruthlessly as possible.

There’s so much rich material here: the groan-inducing attempts at humour, the characters who keep explaining their motivation to each other and the shameless attempts at fan service. Then there’s the alternate timeline that causes Kyle Reese to experience a live he never lived, where his younger self keeps repeating “Genisys is Skynet.” Erm, what?

Wading through it all is Arnold Schwarzenegger, who by now bears more resemblance to Moonraker-era Roger Moore than the character we saw in The Terminator: all his character does is make dreadful puns, rescue the damsel in distress and smirk for the camera.


Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'