7. Kes
Billy Caspar ain't got much in life - he is constantly bullied in school, aggravated by his half brother Jud at home, ignored by his own Mother who labels him a 'hopeless case' and has no father figure to look up to. He has no aspiration in his life and will probably end up work down the pit, like most working class children without any desirable talent or drive would go on to do in the 70's. That is until he steals an egg from a Kestrel nest. Kes is born and he trains the bird with great passion and love, even gaining admiration from his school teachers for the first time after an impromptu chat with his English class about little Kes - his one and only affinity in his otherwise miserable life. Then comes the kicker, the curve ball and the moment where your heart will be ripped from your chest and you will never want to see a Ken Loach film again. After failing to put a cheap bet on some horses for Jud, his evil half brother kills the bird and puts it in the bin. Hope is lost, Kes is buried and poor old Billy will probably end up down tut' pit after all - Confined to a life of complete misery - Cheers Jud.